Global values
Because we develop an international brand, Metalubs Interntational has a certain business postition regarding the market, the stakeholders and our primarily company values.
One of the fundamental principles of contemporary management is the reliability of businesses, organizations, institutions.
Energy makes the world in motion. And energy management means not only fuel management on a daily basis but also the proper management of equipment, machinery and vehicles that we use every day.
The mission of the company concurs to our modern management process by launching a brand that meets specific needs of the modern world. Our brand – Metalubs has, as you will see during our communication materials, the ability to transform the effects of wear and excessive fuel consumption anywhere there is friction.
In developing our product range we considered, first of all, the need to create a well diversified product and versatile enough to meet the all important areas in which the occurs mechanical friction and need to extend the duration of operation by slowing the process of aging and degradation.
Thus, another chapter inscribed in the DNA of our company is to optimize on every level of operation and use of the Metalubs brand. From identifying the optimal parameters of our product creation to the post-sale service packages that we provide to our partners.
The definition of a modern industrial brand in 2015 represents more than just delivery and promotion of products; for us and for our company signifies those business necessities that we all face and are quite real and palpable day by day.
Consequently, is up to us and to our management processes how we use energy at full capacity, equipment, vehicles and tools that exploit to be as productive and efficient as needed.
In this respect, our brand reaches at all levels of testing the approvals and the certifications highly requested criteria:
reliability and